Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 6 of Thanks: Thanks For a Beautiful Place to Live!

I missed posting yesterday, but I don't intend to forget to be thankful for it (yesterday, that is). The weather was perfect, so that's what I'm thankful for on day 6 -- GREAT WEATHER! We live in such a beautiful state, Arizona, and yes, we have some FIERCE weather in the summertime. But, in the winter (more like spring or fall in much of the country) we have the most amazingly beautiful days - sunny and bright, sometimes with a slight breeze, and a bit nippy in the mornings and evenings.

We are now into the holiday season. Halloween has passed. Thanksgiving is coming in 3 weeks from today (Thursday), and slightly more than 2 weeks later, we have a WEDDING in the family! Yeah, a wedding. Amanda is getting married. Finally, she has found a guy she has deemed worthy to be her husband. Congrats David. Now, you have a lot to live up to. I am certain, however, that you are up to the task. Now, we will have one more thing in the fall to celebrate. Along with several birthdays, this is a happy time of year.

Next, we move on to Christmas and New Year's. It's unbelievable that this year has gone so QUICKLY! I can't believe it's November, but yup, it is. In a few days, we'll have a new member of the family (Heidi), and a few weeks, another new member of the family (David).

Time to live, and such beautiful days to live through are worth being grateful for. And, living in a place where these days are so worth living in - a blessing indeed.

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