Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day 5: I Am So Glad to Be Alive!

Today was a good day. I have spent about 5 hours-a-day this past week working on my math homework, and studying for the exam I had to take today.

Evidently, the congestive heart failure I have from when I got sick 2 years ago, causes a lack of oxygen to the brain, which is why it takes me extra time to process information like math, making it easy to do the homework, because I can take all the time I want; but frustrating to take a test, since I'm under pressure with the time limit; and I do better when I can think out loud, but I can't do that in a classroom situation.

So, I finally got approval to take the tests in the testing center. Well, Yay, now I get to take my math tests in a private room, and get 2 hours to finish. So, I actually got finished with my test today. Big Yay! I think I did okay, too.

What does this have to do with being glad to be alive? Well, EXACTLY 2 years ago, right now, I was in the hospital. I really had no idea what was in store for the rest of my life, or even if there was going to BE a rest of my life. Today, I'm glad that I am still here. I'm glad to get to spend time with my family, especially my grandchildren, one (almost 2) of whom wasn't (weren't) even alive 2 years ago. I'm glad to be able to spend time working with my girls on their various projects, and I'm very grateful to still have been here when my son returned home from his victorious mission.

I love this life! I love life! I love my life! (well, most of it anyway) Yeah, well, nothing's perfect, but I have a lot of things in my life that are REALLY GOOD!

So, Yay For Life!

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