Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day 27: I'm Thankful for Being Able to Give Thanks!

I have been given so many blessings, and I'm so glad that I was taught as a child how to give thanks! Being thankful is something that we all probably need to get better at.

I have a great family of six fabulous children, their 4 spouses (so far), and a great bunch of grandchildren.

I have my mother that I can visit and talk with, although my dad has been gone for several years, now. I miss him.

I have a place to live and food and clothes.

I am able to go to school at ASU, to pursue a college degree (finally).

I am able to attend classes at the ASU LDS Institute, and bolster my knowledge and testimony of the Gospel.

I am able to attend the Temple nearly every Saturday, and feel the presence of my Heavenly Father.

I have my two very cute mini-Dachshunds that are a joy in my life.

I can still walk and get out and do things I enjoy.

I have many more blessings too numerous to list.

I am so grateful for everything!

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